Grief, Groups and Depression…..Oh My!!!

With all that has gone on with the passing of my son I find my anxiety has resurfaced in all it’s glory.  So the other day I went to see my doctor, she told me that she is concerned that I am depressed.  She gave me a prescription for some medication that could help and might make the pain less, of course in the beginning it could make my anxiety worse.  I thought about it, first I am not depressed, I am grieving the  loss of my son.  I am too optimistic even with all that has happened.  Second I don’t know that I want to numb or lessen the pain, I mean it sounds great, but I feel like I need to feel it, face it and try to find a way to deal with it.  When Robert died I buried my pain and eventually I ended up agoraphobic, I don’t want to backslide now with Robby’s death.

Well with all that in mind I did what I always do–research.  I went online, I read self help articles, personal stories, scholarly articles and Peanuts cartoons.  The last one was to lighten things up a little.  And after all that I learned that grief is not depression, grief can lead to depression.  But grief is a process that everyone does differently and there is not right or wrong way to grieve.  So after all that I feel like my original thought was right, I am a mother grieving the loss of her son.

So I did tell the doctor that I was going to try a support group for grief, she thought that was a good idea.  In all my reading online I had seen some groups, so I went back to read about them.  There was one that I kept going back to, it is only for the loss of a child and they were the only one I saw that address losing a child with special needs.  So tonight I went for the first time, I was a little anxious mostly because I wasn’t sure what to expect.  What I found there were people from varied backgrounds, but none of that mattered, what did matter is that we all share something much deeper…..we have all lost a child and are searching for a way to survive and deal with that loss.  A friend asked me what I thought and I said I was going to go again, I need to give it a chance.  Besides these people get it, they are living it.

Moving On?? No just going to Portland!!

With the memorial service done I turned my focus to a trip I wanted to make for a long time, I starting planning my trip to Portland.  It wasn’t so long ago that any trip would have been impossible with my agoraphobia, but now I feel like I need to try.  So the decision was made, I would make it a short trip-four days/three nights.  That way I was not over committed, if there was too much anxiety I wouldn’t feel trapped.  After coordinating times with my brother in law and my roommate/ride to the airport I purchased my ticket!!  I believed that once I got on the plane it would be ok, I knew that the next person I would see would be my brother in law.  I shared my plans with a friend who immediately said ‘oh great, you are moving on’!!  Seriously??  My response came with no thought, I said ‘no I am not moving on, I am going to Portland’!!!

After purchasing a suitcase, planning and packing the day finally arrived for me to leave on my trip, I was excited and a little anxious.  My anxiety increased some when I got on the plane, but once in the air and on the way it was manageable.  We landed in Portland and my first thought was I can’t believe I am here!!!  After claiming my bag I called my brother in law to pick me up, when he got there I told him I still can’t believe I am here!!!  He was very proud of me, he understands how big a step this is for me.  My trip was great, some episodes of bad anxiety at the beginning, but then back to manageable, as a matter of fact the last night I slept 6-1/2 hours in a row, I can’t remember the last time that happened.

My last day in Portland was hard, I didn’t want to leave and I didn’t want to come home.  I was very emotional, but on the upside no anxiety!!!  I had intentionally made it a short 4 day/3 night trip not knowing how it would go.  I know my ticket could have been changed, but that would just delay the inevitable, at some point I had to come home.  Now that I am home I am looking forward to my next trip to Portland, and staying longer!!!