The Goal???

I have, once again, gone a long time with out posting–sorry!!  So much has happened, so much to deal with.  Lets see, well the house is finally in escrow.   I have been clear since I had to make the decision to sell the house that all this would end with me moving, that was the goal.  But now that it is a reality and I have an end date I find myself not dealing well with the idea.  This is the place I brought my son when he was 4 months old and for everyday of all 31 years of Robby’s life I tried to create a life here, through the good and the bad!  Leave here now feels like walking away from that and Robby.  Logically I know that is not true, all the memories and Robby are going with me….yes I did say Robby is going with me.  I am not as crazy as that might make me sound.  I believe that the people in your life that die continue to move with you, they are part of who you become in life and how would you every leave parts of yourself behind?  Besides, anybody who knew Robby would know that he wouldn’t let me go far without him!  I have no doubt that he is here, I can feel and sense his presence.

I am now trying to go through and clean out and go through the garage……no words to describe this ‘adventure’.  I have made it clear to everyone that all of Robby’s things go with me, even if that means I have to throw everything else away!!  I need to get the cleaning out part done so I can start packing…..oh my!!  The move seems overwhelming, starting with finding a place to live.  As of right now I have found nothing…..well nothing since the house sold!  I found places while we were on the market, but of course they have sold!moving-out