Deadlines, Complications and a View

Well I have been working hard to keep my work on track to have the house ready to sell, but once again life has changed the plan.  I have been feeling the pressure since meeting with the realtor and committing to make my decision and having the house ready by the middle of December.  Well my pressure went the charts on this past Friday when I was admitted to Hoag via the emergency room.  I woke up that morning ok, but by later in the morning I was suddenly in so much pain.   It was in the upper abdominal area and rediated around to my back, I vomited once and I laid on the bed feeling like I couldn’t move or take a breath.  By late in the afternoon I got myself together enough I went to urgent care, where the doctor examined me by pushing on the areas in pain.   He then told me I had to go to the ER, Oh crap-never somewhere I want to go.  I went home, laid down for a few minutes, then drove myself to the ER.  I was examined again, had labs and an ultrasound and then doctor told me I needed surgery to remove my gallbladder….seriously.  I was admitted in the middle of the night and surgery was early Saturday morning.  This is not what I needed right now!!!  On a random note, I had an amazing view from my room at the hospital.  So I came home late Sunday, still in a lot off pain and not moving well, I have gotten stuck in the bed more than once.  So in the middle of this I had to refigure the timeframe and plan.  So now the decision will be at the end off December, giving a couple of extra weeks to get the house ready, which will put it on the market the middle of January.  This is another financial gamble since I only am sure I can pay the bills through the end of Febuary.  But there are no other options at this point.

On a humorous note [not easy to find right now] I told a freind that now in this condition is when I will finally get a call for an interview!!!!!20161127_072657