I used to be a very patient person, I could actually drive my Mom crazy just by being patient-she was not in any way a patient person. Over the years I became a little less patient and now…..well now I am beyond impatient. Lately I feel like I am even becoming intolerant-not a trait I am happy about. I think that life has a way of chipping away at you until it finally exposes the nerve.
I am spending this weekend waiting…..that would be difficult enough, but I am waiting for information that could greatly impact my life. So far I have tried hard to not be anxious, I’ve trying not to think about it and I have even tried letting it go. I have had only minimal success….all this frustration is just adding to my stress, the same stress I am suppose to be avoiding.
So, now how will I deal with this? I still have to wait until sometime Tuesday and that seems so far off right now. I think I have to try to remember that I can’t change what will happen…doesn’t that sound easy? In reality I am getting some things done and trying to rest so I will be ready to deal with what comes next. But in the meantime it certainly feels like time is standing still…….