Book Update

Well as I have posted about before, I am writing a book to tell my story about living with agoraphobia and the process of finding a way out.   So right now I have been working a lot on the book.  My cancer recurrence last year has motivated me to get it finish, I would hate to see it left unfinished.  It’s funny, in the beginning I wasn’t sure I wanted  to write a book.  But the more I wrote the more it came to life and the more I want to see it in print.  I have most chapters written and am editing them now.  The rest of the chapters are outlined and ready to be written.  The book was originally going to end with my first cancer, but at the suggestion of someone I trust that has changed.  The book now will end with the death of my son, Robby.  I am not looking forward to writing that chapter.

As part of the process of writing the book I have contacted people who are in the book or their likeness is in the book.  It’s been interesting to me, some are very supportive of this project.  But others don’t seem to believe that I am really writing a book.  Well I guess they will be surprised when the book is published and released.

There have been obstacles along the way, the most recent one was keyboard failure.  I like to go places and write, my favorite spot is the Chipotle at Seacliff Village in Huntington Beach.  I linked my tablet to the cloud making my project portable.  But two days ago my keyboard went goofy, it was adding letters and spaces all on it’s own.  So after a quick visit to Amazon I have a new wireless keyboard with a channel to stand my tablet.  I am back at mobile status again.
