A Night Out at a Bar-With Music

I have been pushing myself for a long time now to expand my comfort zone.  When my mother died in 2010 I pushed to be as independent as possible and take care of what my son and I needed. With a lot of work and determination I accomplished that goal, but as always I hope to do more.  Well, then in May of 2012 I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer…that has certainly changed things.   It has pushed me even harder, not only to do more, but also to live more.  It is amazing how important things can become when you find out you have less time to do them.  I have pushed myself so far from my comfort zone that even I am shocked!!  As I keep telling everyone ‘life is short’!!

So in that mindset I had the opportunity to go to a local bar called Gallagher’s and hear my friend’s band play.  It was an amazing night; I have not been in a bar for about 23 or 24 years.  The best part was the band, Jack N Peg (photo below), their performance and music were great!!  I loved it, as did the rest of the crowd.  The very talented members of the band are Buddy Nuggetts, Mind Blower Pete, Cool Breeze K and Midnight Swami.  It was fun to be in the crowd, sitting on a barstool, drink part of a beer and enjoying one of my favorite things-live music.   And best of all there was no anxiety or panic-just fun!!

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It was a great night-one I hope to repeat soon!!!!



I am so excited to be starting this blog!!  I had set a deadline for myself to have it up and running by the end of September….well as you can see that did not happen.  Deadlines seem to be an easy way to add more stress and anxiety to life.  It’s funny; people assume that if you are at home (say like an agoraphobic) it should be easy to make a deadline…not so much.  I have found that people tend to think if you are at home you have very little or even nothing to do.  But life still happens, even at home and days go by sometimes in a blur until you realize the deadline you were working towards is now way behind you.  I know that’s how it works for me and missed deadlines usually cause me to be angry, frustrated, then anxious and even end up with panic attacks.  So, for me it seems the best way to attempt to deal with these time issues is to just go with an old favorite, ‘better late than never’!!    


I may have crossed a finish line with this project , but it is really just the beginning!!!